How to be Grateful when things are not going the way you expected

Published Dec 28, 2022 // by Tisha Ladia

I have been struggling with this a lot this holiday season. I have had dreams of where I thought my life would be, and I keep hitting roadblocks. The roadblocks I have encountered were highlighted in a few astrological reports I have received and from readings, I have had with my psychics. 

So how do you stay positive, believe in the lesson you are being shown, and not lose hope? I researched this and found various ways to push through learning without becoming a Debbie downer. My favorite site to visit is I have been an Infinite Possibilities member for a few years now and have taken a few courses to teach me manifesting and vision boards, etc. In fact, I am planning on taking the Infinite Possibilities Certification course as soon as I can. 

When I visited the site today, I explored the blog page. Here I found this excellent article, 5 Ways to Practice Gratitude in Troubling Times. The essential suggestions are tasks I know I should do but sometimes feel I don't have the energy as I have let the negative thoughts slow me down. So as I read this article, I gained the motivation to get back to the basics. The basics are:

  1. Journal/Reflection
  2. Immerse your senses - enjoy every aspect of a warm cup of tea/coffee.
  3. Go outside and be grateful to Mother Nature for everything she provides us.
  4. Watch your pet - see how they enjoy everything from a roll on the floor to scratching their back to seeing you when you get home.
  5. Tell family/friends how grateful you are for them.

Please visit the blog link above if you need more information on these. In the meantime, I want to tell each of you reading this post that I am very grateful to you. I couldn't have put this website together without you coming to read the content and supporting me with your love and kindness. Thank you for being you!

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