Prosperity Affirmations

Prosperity applies to all aspects of life.  Prosperity in finances, love, relationships, family, etc.

<I am highly driven  and motivated to succeed. I am on the path to abundance. I am creating a wonderful life for myself> affirmation
<To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks. Bill Gates> affirmation
<What is coming to you is going to be better than what you had expected. Trust the timing, never give up> affirmation
<I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and my finances reflect this change> affirmation
<I delight in the financial security that is my life> affirmation
<Prosperity overflows in my life. I have everything in abundance.> affirmation
<I receive my abundance from expected and unexpected sources> affirmation
<I am master of my wealth> affirmation
<I am surrounded by abundance> affirmation
<I am a magnet for money. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.> affirmation
<I accept all financial opportunities that come to me> affirmation
<I attract money easily and effortlessly> affirmation
<I am worthy of financial success> affirmation
<I embrace new avenues of income> affirmation
<I let go of all my fears around money> affirmation
<Money flows to me easily> affirmation
"The universe provides all I need in abundance> affirmation
<Everyday I am becoming wealthier> affirmation
<I attract opportunity> affirmation
<I allow my income to constantly expand> affirmation
<I awaken each morning feeling prosperous and blessed> affirmation
<I fully accept and appreciate the abundance the universe offers me> affirmation
<I pay my bills with love, as abundance flows freely through me> affirmation