Grief Affirmations

Let these affirmations help you through any type of grief you are feeling.  It can be the loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship you thought would stand the test of time, or even the outcome of a situation not turning out the way you expected. We all grieve in different ways for different reasons. These affirmations can help you with your grief. 

<Stay in the Moment The practice of staying in the present will heal you. Obsessing about how the future will turn out creates anxiety. Replaying broken scenarios from the past causes anger or sadness. >affirmation
<The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it is> affirmation
<Life gets very quiet before all the doors open. I_m learning that what can feel like loneliness is actually grace. Rest. Find your strength. It will all change soon> affirmation
<No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear> affirmation
<Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.> affirmation
<Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. Unknown> affirmation
<Learn to be okay with people not knowing your side of the story. You don't have to prove anything to anyone!> affirmation
<Bad chapters can still create great stories. Wrong paths can still lead to right places. Failed dreams can still create successful people. Sometimes it takes losing yourself to find yourself.> affirmation
<death does not break the bond of love> affirmation
<For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson> affirmation
<My pain is real now, but is temporary and will pass> affirmation
<The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it is> affirmation
<Little by little,  I will let go of  loss... but never of  love.> affirmation
<I am adjusting to my new reality> affirmation
<My sorrow is not a  problem to be fixed; it is a process for me to live> affirmation
<I don't understand life right now, and that is okay> affirmation
<I trust that my heart and mind will bring me through this sorrow> affirmation
<My sorrow is  not the end of this story> affirmation
<Everything will make sense eventually> affirmation
<I will give myself time to find a new way of living after my loss> affirmation
<I will take it easy on myself during this time>j affirmation
<I accept that I  will feel numb and empty  sometimes  as I grieve> affirmation
<I will never give up> affirmation
<I accept that it is normal to feel angry sometimes as I am  healing> affirmation
I am persistent and I will come through this grief> affirmation
<What I have loved stays with me forever> affirmation
<I breathe in peace and breathe  out hurt> affirmation
<I have lost something, but not everything.  I am thankful for what remains.> affirmation
<I cherish each small success as I heal> affirmation
<I care for myself as I would care for my loved one> affirmation
<I am stronger than I know> affirmation
<I allow myself to fully experience my grief> affirmation
<I have the courage to  face this  sorrow> affirmation
<I grieve because I love, and I am thankful that I can love> affirmation
<I will take as  much time as  I need to grieve  this loss> affirmation
<It is okay for me to not be  strong now> affirmation
It is healthy and proper to begin to be happy again when I am ready> affirmation
<When I feel alone,  I remember that I am loved and I reach out to others> affirmation
<I can endure and survive this loss> affirmation
<I am not alone, sorrow comes to everyone sometime> affirmation
<No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. But any amount of gratitude changes the present> affirmation
<My peace will be restored, one small step  at a time> affirmation
<I don't  understand my life right now,  and that is okay> affirmation
<No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear> affirmation
<I allow myself to feel my grief and then to let go> affirmation
<I take comfort in the memories of my loved one> affirmation
<In my grief, I have changed> affirmation
<death does not break the bond of love> affirmation