The Universe says: 'It's Okay'

Posted by Tisha Ladia March 16, 2023

Has it been a while since you connected to the Universe for your messages? It's okay. The Universe understands. We all have moments when we are too tired, drained, stressed, etc., and just want to do nothing but crawl into bed at the end of the day instead of journaling or meditating. I have been that way for almost two weeks now. After doing my meditations last night, my gratitudes and affirmations this morning, the Universe said loud and clear, "it's okay, and share this message with the world." So here I am. Refrain from beating yourself up when you feel less connected or have let your connection routines go. It happens to all of us. Just start again. It took my attending an online course with a guided meditation to realize how much better I truly feel after meditation to begin again. I have restarted, will you?

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