Anna Scott / Intuitive Performace Psychology

Founder and Owner

Anna Scott is the founder and owner of Intuitive Performance Psychology. She is a licensed therapist and certified intuitive life coach who has created her own intuition and an evidence-based blend of performance coaching. She teaches people (you!) how to connect with your highest potential and highest self (soul) expression available. 

Working with Anna initiates inspired action, builds momentum, and aids you to see how incredibly powerful you are - as is. Anna's favorite self-discovery tool is a personality and life purpose energetic profiling system called Human Design. Aside from offering one-on-one sessions, Anna also enjoys presenting to places of work or education. Her presentation style is entertaining, informative, and expansive, and helps to improve team functionality by design. 

At Anna's place psychology meets spirituality, healing meets humor, and you meet yourself. 

Contact Anna at:

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