"Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein. 

Published Dec 27, 2022 // by Tisha Ladia

I read this quote today and thought it would be a great topic to discuss. One of the things we should do daily is to visualize what we want in our lives. We should picture the end result, the details, the smells, the sounds, and the emotions. The more we visualize what we want, the more the universe will hear us and bring to us what is in our best interest. I say the 'best interest' because the universe usually knows better than us what is best for each of us. 

Another thing to keep in mind, the universe has a great sense of humor. I knew I wanted a new company to start fresh with branding and as an independent sales agent when I met my mentor. I imagined myself working at the office closest to my house and being surrounded by like-minded sales agents, learning from them, and developing new relationships. What I never imagined is what the universe expanded on for me. I now have a position with the company, no longer selling but working with like-minded agents daily and helping them with their businesses.  

If you are not getting what you want, there is always a reason. Sometimes it is because it isn't the right time. Or it is because you are focusing on too many things at once that the universe is confused about what you really want. I have had the same three items on my wish list for the last 2 - 3 years. Two of them have yet to come to be. So this year, I have decided to focus on only one of those two till it becomes my life. Once I have that, I will move to the next. It is much easier to focus on one want at a time. Remember: you get what you focus on, so focus on what you want. 

What are you focusing on this year? We can travel through this year as a team! If you feel like sharing, please write a comment below.