Positive Talk - Do you practice positive talk? 

Published Dec 1, 2022 // by Tisha Ladia

I was reminded today how hard it is to re-train your mind and vocabulary, so your words are always positive. When I read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, there was a lot of emphasis on using the right words to get what you want from the universe. The Secret says you should say things like, “I am healthy and happy” instead of “I don’t want to be in pain anymore.” The universe doesn’t know the words ‘don’t,’ ‘not,’ ‘no,’ etc. The universe hears, “I want to be in pain,” and it doesn’t get you the outcome you seek. 

After reading that, I spent a LOT of time working on how I talk to myself, what I write for my affirmations/manifestation wishes, and how I speak to others. I would constantly change what I was trying to say to get the best outcome possible.

Today, while meeting with someone about to take a difficult test, I heard them say many times, “if I pass the test.” I repeated back to them, “When you pass the test.” They quickly understood what I was doing and rephrased their words as well. I then began to think about all the words I have been putting out in the universe the last few months for myself, and I realized I am out of practice and need to focus on getting back on track. I have had a fantastic 2022 year, and I know that it is all tied to my practicing positive talk, being grateful every day, and following the signs along the way to the path my soul group and guides are leading me to. 

I am excited to see where the path leads from here.